Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Communication & Trust

Two of the most important things in a relationship are communication and trust. If you don't have both of those, the relationship will be more stressful and way more work then it needs to be. Now there are other factors (obviously) but I like to think that these two are the foundation for all the others.

Being able to communicate allows a couple to express what they want out of the relationship and if there is a problem, helps to find a solution faster and more effectively. Compromises can be made with good communication and if your partner doesn't know why you're upset they have no way of knowing how to fix the problem. 

With communications comes arguing and debating. These things are not bad if done in a healthy way. When you're expressing how you feel make sure you're not attacking your partner, use words and phrases like "I feel..." and stay away from words that make him/her feel cornered. Never go to bed angry and stay on topic when arguing. Make sure you get out everything you want to say so that when the discussion is over, you don't have to keep revisiting it over and over again. 

Trust is another huge part of a relationship. If you don't trust your partner, there is no basis to grow as a couple. When one or both people in a relationship continues to think that the other is cheating or will cheat, it creates friction in the relationship. Drama and mistrust keeps both of you on edge and doesn't allow you to have lives outside of your relationship with each other since both of you are constantly wondering what the other is up to and if they're doing shady things. 

Trust is also the hardest thing to get back in a relationship. If trust has been broken in the past and the couple has chosen to try again, someone has to be the bigger person and just get past the issue. It's difficult to forgive and forget, but if you're choosing to go back into the relationship then that's what needs to be done, otherwise, why be with that person again? 


Make sure to look for my Mom's response!!!

What do you think are the most important factors in a relationship?
Email us at: xxoowithakiss@gmail.com or comment here. 

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